Who I am
Past activities
My Services
My Offers to you
Raw Linters
Pulp projects

Welcome to Alpha Consult , Dr. Wolf-R. Knabjohann .

Since 37 years I am in the cotton linters pulp industry . 1982 - 1992 with Peter Temming AG at Glückstadt/Germany as Technical Director and Managing Director of a 50.000 tpy plant . Since then I am freelancing consultant to companies in the cotton growing countries . Because this is my belief :

The cotton growing countries shall produce the cotton linters pulp for the international market !

Personal data

Born :   January 8th, 1944                                                    German citizen, married, 2 children                                   Education : doctordegree in Chem. Technology


Phone +49 40 821539                                                     Mobile +49 151 14940282                                                       email: WolfKnabjohann@t-online.de 

Whatever your question may be: Send me an email and you will receive an answer